March 23, 2013

Waiting for Mirabella

I am so excited for Mirabella to arrive! I put pink hydrangea in the barn for her arrival... I feel almost like an expectant mother! And I'm super excited to have Paloma back in the pasture closest to our house. She and Mirabella will be together. And The Prince will be with Charlie. We've been wanting to separate mares and geldings for a while, so this will be good. Mirabella... Mira like miracle. I think that's what I'll call her... Mira. ♥


  1. Somehow I just KNEW this was NOT the end of this story! these kind of stories are supposed to have a HAPPY ending! :)

  2. Couldn't agree more Shelline, Shana you really must one day put all this to print. I can't wait for updates on Mirabella............ she will heal you. xxx

  3. I'm crying tears of joy for you Shana. It's confirmation that Willow DID know exactly how you felt about her and what part of family was all about. I can't wait to read on. :)

  4. Such an unbelievable story. Thank you for reminding all of us that miracles DO happen.. XO

  5. Shanna....ONE DAY - I will meet you - SOMEHOW - and I will HUG you - Your heart is so big and I SO ADMIRE your strength!!! SO HAPPY that Willow came into my life through YOU.....INCREDIBLE story and can't wait to watch as you and Mira grow TOGETHER!!! Will you continue to search for Gabriella???

  6. SOOO excited for you!!! Would you hurry up and post an image ... we're all DYING to see Mirabella in her new home! :)

  7. I'm so happy for you, Shana. What JOY this sweet little filly is going to bring into your herd (and into your heart). I pray that she reminds you gently of your beloved Willow in the most wonderful way :)

  8. so nice to read you found your spirit back Shana <3 a big hug from Belgium Europe ... can't wait to continue reading your blog about the new "miracle" in your life <3

  9. I just can't wait to hear all about Baby Mira's homecoming ... what a lucky little girl she is to be coming in to such a loving family. The stories you will be telling! :)

  10. I cannot wait to see pics and read your update!! So excited for you :)

  11. So excited for you -- Mira is a beauty!

  12. So excited for you! Can't wait to see the new little Princess!

  13. Waiting to see Mira. So excited for you, I know she will love her new home

  14. Thought I would check your blog to see if you have wrote anything about Mira's arrival. I hope no news is good news! I hope the horse arrangements you were making are going as planned!
    Looking forward to hearing how things are going :)

  15. Ditto, I keep checking here and on FB to see Mirabella in her new home. xxx

  16. She's going to love your place. And sure you are going to fell happy again. All my best wishes.

  17. can't wait to meet her!

  18. One of the dearest people I know is named Mira, so I think it's a great pick. Can't wait to see her when she arrives and settles in.
