First off, thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all of the beautiful emails, comments, posts, stories, poems, songs, prayers, flowers, donations to horse rescues in Willow's name, cards, and gifts. I am so touched and have found much comfort in this outpouring of love for Willow and me. ♥ I especially love the emails and photos of horse rescues inspired by our story... (thank you)! And I also want to mention that I have also found another horse that I am working on rescuing... but I cannot say any more at this time as it might put the other horses at this farm in jeopardy... it's a work in progress that I hope to share soon. Prayers are always appreciated for this horse and all others who are being neglected and abused. ♥
So after crying for days, something in my heart told me to try to look for Willow's daughter Gabriella* once more. She was the only one of Willow's four foals that none of us could find when we searched many months ago. Many people (including Nancy) have suggested that if at all possible, it would be lovely for me to have one of Willow's offspring; and Nancy said that Gabriella in particular was so very much like Willow.
(*name changed for reasons to be revealed later).
When I searched for Gabriella last year, I could only find one sales listing for her. She was listed for sale on the site of a Friesian breeder in Texas. When I called them, they said she had been sold but they wouldn't give me any more information. They said they sold her because they had failed at breeding her (that she was infertile). So I googled and googled some more... and I actually found another ad for her on a different site! I was so happy to see that she might actually be for sale right now... but when I called the number listed on the site, the message said the owner was out of the country and to email her (which I did). The page I found looked like a basic information page on Gabriella... so to make sure, I clicked on "Friesians for sale." That page had many listings, and about half of them were marked as "sold". I did not, however, see Gabriella listed on the page at all. It was strange.... she had a page on the site (including a sales price), but wasn't listed on the sales page as "for sale" or "sold". So I looked again... .this time when I looked I noticed that each horse listed seemed to be in a different state... CA, NY, TX, etc. While trying to figure out why, I noticed the name of one of the horses listed for sale... her name was Mirabella. I guess it stuck out to me for a few reasons... mainly that I love the name... and it was actually on my final list of names for Willow. Mirabella means "Beauty" which is mostly what I called Willow when we were together... But I think in the end, I thought Mirabella was too close to my business name (Florabella), and I thought Willow was a better fit for my sweet girl. In any case, right under Mirabella's name was her state...
Tennessee. And she was the
only horse listed in TN... The ad said she was a filly... just 10 months old, and listed the contact information. I looked at the tiny photo and wondered what Willow must have looked like as a filly...
and then I started to cry.
When I called, a kind woman named Alise answered the phone. I quickly explained that I had seen Mirabella's ad on this other site but that I was actually interested in Gabriella, and I asked her if she knew when the other breeder would be back in the country. She explained that the woman was moving out of the country and had been listing Friesians for other breeders... and that likely, Gabriella had already been sold. (I later got an email from the woman explaining that Gabriella had indeed been sold and that the listing was related to the original listing I'd found.). Alise then suggested I take a look at Mirabella, but I quickly explained that I wasn't looking for just any horse.. and certainly not a filly. I was looking for
Willow's daughter. And not thirty seconds later, I was in tears telling Alise my whole story. She listened, and we talked for a long while... she took a look at my blog and told me that she thought Mirabella looked like Willow. Then I looked at the photos of Mirabella on her site, and I have to say... I agree. She does look like Willow... and from what Alise told me, she was sweet and gentle like Willow too.
Maybe we should go out to see Mirabella? No, that's crazy... and it's too soon.. it's too soon.... But I told Alise I would mention it to Martha and Michael. I texted Martha the link...
"Martha, look what I found when I was searching for Gabriella... isn't she sweet? It's just too soon, but it's kinda strange how I found her... and by the way, there are no Friesians listed for sale in Tennessee right now if you search. I only found her because I was looking for Gabriella."
Martha's response:
"I know it's too soon, but I like the way you are thinking about the future. And I do like what this baby represents... new life, health, restoration, and rebirth. It's a beautiful thing. Willow is experiencing all of that in Heaven right now and probably wanted you to see a piece of that here on earth. Don't feel bad for finding her... think of it as one more gift from God to you."
I was surprised, but of course, I loved what Martha wrote... and I started to think that maybe, just maybe, we should really go and see Mirabella.
That maybe Willow led me to her... and that she would want me to have this gift. So I mentioned it to Michael, and again I was surprised. He wanted to go see her.
The next morning I asked Martha if she wanted to go with us to see Mirabella. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive. She seemed shocked that we were going... she told me we were crazy to get a filly.
"But what about that text you sent me?? You know, about this being a gift from God... and Willow?" And then she explained that just
finding her and seeing her photos was what she meant by that... that I was meant to see how Willow looked in Heaven... and that should comfort me. So we discussed the pros and cons of raising a young horse... and by the time I got off the phone, I was completely talked out of it.
As I was explaining it all to Michael, I went to close the web page with Mirabella's listing. But when I looked, I noticed the name of Mirabella's dam was highlighted. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it. I wanted to see if Mirabella's mother looked like Willow, and thought I'd take a glance at her photos. When I clicked, though, it didn't take me to photos... It took me to her Friesian Pedigree card and her family tree. Immediately, one tiny name practically jumped off the screen at me...
"Michael, oh my gosh, help me find Willow's paperwork... " I frantically fumbled through my files.... I found the file, pulled out Willow's pedigree card, and held it up to the computer screen.
"Oh my.... oh my gosh..... Michael... They have the same grandfather! They are first cousins... Mirabella is Willow's baby cousin!!!" And the tears streamed down my face...
And Michael looked at me with a smile...
"Looks like someone is getting a new horse this weekend."
And with Martha's blessing, we packed up the kids and took a roadtrip to see this precious little filly. And she was every bit as sweet and gentle as Alise said she would be. Within our first few minutes together, she lowered her head to my chest... just as Willow did when we first met. And instantly, I fell in love with her. And I do believe, it was meant to be...
And then when we got home, we noticed the first signs of spring in our yard (one week early). The flowering plum tree by the barn had blossomed while we were with Mirabella earlier that day. It was another sign... I had so wanted for Willow to live to see spring with me, and now I
know in my heart that Willow will be watching over us from Heaven and happy to see me laughing and playing with this beautiful new filly, so full of life and new hope... And I will always believe in my heart that Mirabella is Willow's gift to me... yes, one of her many many gifts to me.
Thank you, my beauty... thank you for Mirabella, and thank you for spring... ♥
Princess Mirabella is being being delivered tomorrow...
(thank you to Alise for taking and sharing this photo...)