March 19, 2013

The Prince is Lonely

The Prince misses Willow too... He stays close to her stall, occasionally still looking inside for her. But when I come out, he tries to find ways to make me laugh... he is so goofy and a big love.  We don't want him to be alone though...  he needs a pasture mate.... it would probably be best for us to put him with Charlie.   We definitely cannot put the three of them together, as Charlie gets very dominant and possessive of Paloma.... We've been wanting to separate Charlie and Paloma for a while... but then Paloma will need a pasture mate...  In any case, he's filthy here, and still has no real name, but he's just such a cutie... you can't help but smile when he's near you. ♥


  1. He's stunningly beautiful. I kinda like "The Prince" It kinda fits.

  2. I agree, "The Prince" should be his name. I love the fact that you got a weeping willow. I love those trees...they are gorgeous when they grow out.

  3. I think he looks like a King!

  4. Another great picture!

  5. Me to, I think "The Prince" fits him well, he's gorgeous.
    Much love to you and yours Shana.

  6. I have been reading and reading and re-reading your story and Willow's story for days and days ... so hearttouching and so so happy for you and your family to have found this filly ... can hardly wait to continue reading about her story in the future .... God Bless You, Your Family and Your Animal Angels .... <3 hugs from Belgium Europe <3

  7. I love that you call him "the prince" :-) What about Tobias? or Toby for short?

  8. Not sure if anyone had suggested it yet but what about naming him Duke? It's kinda goofy but still "royal" so to speak... just a thought :o)

  9. I think he has a name. Prince sounds perfect! Or Royal. Regal too. :) I am fond of names that start with R

