June 25, 2013

Another Gift from Willow (Part 2)

Michael's nickname for me is "Lucy" (as in Lucille Ball).  He calls me Lucy because I'm a little crazy (I prefer the word "fun") like Lucy was....  and I keep his life exciting with all of my antics and adventures. :)

So I had to find a way to explain how I managed to find a horse while vacationing at the beach and why we should leave the beach to take a long drive to an inland farm in the blazing heat with three kids.  I thought maybe I should just tell him the truth...  that really it was all his fault. Yes, I would blame him for mentioning another child which gave me the baby fever that forced me to search for a new kitten which led me to a new horse... And that it was Willow who led me to her for some reason...  that her name was Bella and she was black with a white blaze, etc, etc.  So while doing a run through of my story, I came to the part where I couldn't find a kitten in Nashville.  But as I reenacted it, I must have typed in "Himalayan" rather than "Himalayan Kitten" because the CUTEST scrunchy kitty face popped up on my screen.  His owners needed to find a new, loving home for him.  Well I honestly don't know what was wrong with me... but I called and pretty much committed to taking him.

And now I need to explain a new horse in FL and a new kitty in TN.  I definitely had some "splaining" to do. lol

I was on my third glass of wine when Michael came home, and I quickly poured him a glass when I heard the door open.  As I handed it to him, I couldn't help but smile.  I tried so hard to wipe it off my face, but it was my guilty Lucy smile, and he recognized it right away...

"Luuuuucy???  What have you done now?"

I asked him if he wanted the long story or the short story... he said, "Cut to the chase".   So of course, I gave him the long story.   And I started off telling him about my kitten search.   "You're getting ANOTHER cat?"   "Well, yes... but that's not the BEST part..." I start to explain.  And then things even got a bit crazier.  He was asking me why I needed to buy a QH all the way down in Florida. I told him that it was Willow... leading me to this mare for some yet unknown reason. And I  reminded him how Martha had always told me I needed a Quarter Horse.  We already have a Friesian Filly, a Gypsy Vanner, a Missouri Foxtrotter, and a a Percheron/TB...  but we didn't yet have a Quarter Horse, and that I needed just a sweet, solid horse I could really ride.  Martha and I have been searching our area for a good QH for over a year... but for some reason it's really hard to find one around here.  Anyway, he didn't seem to believe me!  So I decided to show him.   I still had the Nashville Craigslist window open, and I searched "Quarter Horse Mare".

And up came this ad:

Starving Horse 4 sale PLS BUY - $1500 (Hickman Co)
Hey Y'all Someone PLEASE buy the starving mare on this site!!!. I drive by the Duck River P.O. everyday and can't take it!!!!

Listed as a quiet dappled bay QH mare... if i could pay I would!!!! NO HAY!!!! No POOP in the tiny yard... what's that tell ya????

Git her outta there! Thanks for lookin!

 WHAT?  oh my gosh... so I searched for her... and found this:

Re: dappled black mare Hickman county - $1500 (Hickman)
This mare is located across from the duck river post office. I drive by this house everyday, worried I'd see this poor starving mare dead. I never see hay or water access for her.
How can people ask 1500$ for a starving unkempt horse. I've called authorities, no one will respond in Hickman. I was startled to see this ad when I knew she is not fat or fit. The pictures must be from time before. Apparently, the owners are firm on 1500$, and very delusional if they think a starving horse is worth that.

Oh my GOSH... oh my gosh.... this is IT!!!  THIS is what Willow was leading me to.... here is my rescue...  here is my rescue....


  1. I have goosebumps! Please, please, please.... keep the story coming!!

  2. I hope you can help that horse. Things like this break my heart. I used to take lessons from a woman who was also into rescue, in fact I had lessons a sweet rescue horse who I couldn't imagine anyone hurting.

  3. Shana.... GET ON IT!!!! lol Willow's probably up there looking down going "GEEEEEZ Mom, how many signs do I need to give you!!!!????"

  4. I Love your vacation - two horses and a cat! Cant wait to read the rest of the story

  5. hurrrrrry with the rest of the story :)

  6. Can't wait for the rest of the story!!!!

  7. Ohhh Shana.. I love you. you are wonderful seriously girl.. what a fantastic story.. and I am so glad you got this horse.. and cannot wait to see photos and follow her story too.

  8. Ohhh Shana.. I love you. you are wonderful seriously girl.. what a fantastic story.. and I am so glad you got this horse.. and cannot wait to see photos and follow her story too.

  9. Bless your soul you followed your sweet willow and now you have an opportunity to share your love and compassion again and we will be able to share it with you

  10. Bless your soul you followed your sweet willow and now you have an opportunity to share your love and compassion again and we will be able to share it with you

  11. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I am beyond excited to hear what's next!

  12. Shana!! Love this!! Since I was a little girl I wanted to rescue animals, watching you live it out gives me such a feeling of happiness. Listen to your heart!!
    Be blessed
    ...thank you sweet Willow.

  13. That will be one lucky horse. Go get her.
